Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Beast in the Woods

We were from the city and a bit naive, one could say.  The night was black.  It seemed to start immediately after the definitive line of light created by the back yard lights. I had on my nighty, a long flowing white thing. Don and I were listening to some animal meeting his maker in our back yard, beyond the light, in the darkness.  Well, Joan of Arc here decided to save this poor animal.  It sounded like a baby and I know rabbits can sound like that when they cry. I walked out to that line of light and as soon as I stepped over it, I heard the worst sound I have ever heard. It was loud and guttural, threatening and deadly.  It was so close I must have been nose to nose with the beast, but I could see nothing. I immediately backed up over the line of darkness and bee-lined it to the house.  I made it.  But in retrospect, there were many reasons why I shouldn’t have.That was a really stupid thing to do. If Don were to tell the story, it’d be he that braved the night.  But it wasn’t. It was me.