Saturday, 4 April 2015

Ghosts at Prince Charles

I believe that house had ghosts.
One night we were having a family dinner with Don’s sister Barbara and her husband Dick and Don’s parents, Joy and Claude,   Before dinner we had invited Carmen to come over with her baby, Ryan as Wayne was away and we thought she’d enjoy getting out of the house.  

Half way through dinner, we all heard someone whistling a tune.  We all stopped eating and listened.  We thought it was Carmen and Ryan as the timing was perfect. We got up from the table and searched the house.  We didn’t find her.  Somewhat satisfied that the noise didn’t come from her, we sat down and finished our dinner.  We were all pretty perplexed about it.

The most traumatic experience I had with ghosts in that house happened one night when I was alone in bed. Don was away, which wasn’t unusual.  The kids were just a twinkle in their father’s eye. I was totally alone.  I had the bedside light on and the phone  was right there on the bedside table. The bedroom door was slightly  open.  Outside the bedroom was darkness.

I thought I heard someone coming up the stairs. I heard one step creak, and then another.  I stopped reading and held my breath to see if I’d hear it again. There it was again. With each step, it got nearer. I froze. My blood stopped flowing in my veins. I was afraid to breath that they might hear it.  The steps kept coming. But slowly.   I thought of calling the operator (as this was before 911), but I couldn’t move. I was literally frozen with fear.  The steps came to my bedroom door and then started to recede. They creaked all the way back down the stairs.  And that was it. Gives me the creeps to this day even just talking about it.